Agree with all of the above. I think what you’re saying is that relationships are more important than numbers without dismissing the importance of numbers in monitoring career outcomes in terms of marketing. How many followers you have demonstrates to an extent the level of interest in your music but not all. Some people are not interested in social media but find other ways to connect. Interaction with random people via that medium is impossible because the relationships that are there are superficial and probably need to be otherwise you would end up exhausted! Hope all of your hopes are present in 2024.

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Exactly. Numbers are a useful tool, but they can't be the only goal. Happiness comes from experience, not hitting metric targets. Interacting with strangers online does have it's good side too (like these Substack conversations!), and it's another valuable tool in growing an audience for something, but again - I just don't think it can be the primary goal. Thanks for reading and replying :)

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You are right, I guess I was thinking about Facebook etc. All the best and Happy New Year.

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